Surtees Boat Salt Guard Protection

Comprehensive Winterizing Guide

Here's our comprehensive guide to washing your equipment down for long storage winterizing

- Use both of our guides to flush your engine & wash your equipment down but for the seasonal breaks follow this guide

Engine flush: Extra emphasis on checking the water outlet runs CLEAR after use

- Fill your SALT GUARD mixer with 50mls of concentrate
- Connect your SALT GUARD mixer to your flush muffs or hose attachment
- Adjust to water setting on mixer
- Turn hose on
- Switch engine on & allow to warm up
- Adjust mixer to soap
- Run through until the mixers clear
- Keep running until the water runs out CLEAR
- Switch off engine
- Turn hose off
- Disconnect mixer & Flush muffs
Done! Now you're ready for the wash down

Wash down: We recommend a 'Long wash' if your marine craft/equipment won't be used for a longer period

- Use a pressure washer for best results however garden hose mixer will suffice
- Absolutely soak everything in Salt guard including - Trailer axles, Hull, Brakes, Fish boards, Leg/Jet unit etc
- Handy tip: If it's touched the water then SOAK it
- Leave for a little longer than usual to get the most out of SALT GUARDS active agents
- Spray down, wash away the left over foam
- SALT GUARD is designed to leave a protective coating even after you wash it down with it's combination of active ingredients & surface active agents
- Let it dry
- Cover & Store
That's it - Your equipment is ready for a break and you can rest easy knowing SALT GUARD is protecting it
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